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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Priceless quotes

My classmate M was discussing some coursework prep with me and we were entering class where the visiting lecturer was standing.. and here's what she announced rather loudly:

"I've forgotten how to use Powerpoint... it's forgettable.. it's not like something you never forget, like swimming or driving or making out!"

Friday, March 16, 2007

And So I Grew Up

It's a rite of passage. Every girl goes through it at some point. And while I had contemplated that I would have to as well, in the back of my mind it was always somewhere in the future... certainly not a part of my present plans. But I did it today. It's not a big deal they'd say... there are girls who've been indulging for ages now... much younger than I they are too... so I just went along with it. I wasn't sure of my feelings when it was happening... and now that it's over... I still am not sure what I feel or if I shall do it again.... but it's done and it's a part of me becoming womanly.

I got my eyebrows tweezed today for the first time.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Married to work

The realisation that you're a workaholic can dawn upon you in really weird ways.

I was towelling my hair dry and thinking that it was March... and that my former neighbour's baby was due anytime soon... as I made a mental note to ask my mother about it... my mind unconsciously added two words that made the big difference... I was thinking of asking mum about my neighbour's due date... of publication.