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Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday I'm in love

The girl comes home from work
And sets about to cook
Dinner made she digs out a book
And there she goes, forkful of pasta, sitting in a cosy nook

The pasta's been polished off
Her eyes have left the page
Feeling well-fed and almost a bit sage
Now thoughts of dessert does she engage

Out comes a cheesecake
Her evening just got to its peak
She should have been out, looking dolled up and sleek
But, eh, a boring end to a boring week


  1. it sounds a lot more interesting than a night-out.
    a peaceful end to a chaotic week...

  2. Anonymous10:53 AM

    ahh, the pleasure such kind of evenings give..:) nice book+ pasta/maggi..
    the girl sure slept a good night..
