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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bella's bumper sticker

'My boyfriend sucks'

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cliff Notes

Looking at her, nobody would ever have said she lived life on the edge. Or ever had. She wasn't adventurous, boisterous or even curious.

In fact, you'd be hard pressed to come up with anything to say about her. She was the sort that blended into the shadows. It wouldn't be wrong to say that you'd never think of her.

Her side of the story though, was ... well, it was an entirely different story.

She felt she did live on the edge. On the edge of a very deep crag. And with every little thing that transpired, the temptation to find out what was at the end of that drop, up close and in person, only got stronger.

She thought of the deep end as her destination. Home.

But one day she looked up. At the vast sky and the far spreading mountains with their grass and trees and sweet smelling flowers. And felt the caress of a gentle breeze.

'Of course, it makes sense', she thought. 'Perspective '

Everybody lives life on the edge ... all that's different is whether you look up or down.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm not one to whinge about adulthood


But there's something about the day that's making me wish it was the sort of summertime childhood blessed you with. The sort of summertime that involved Kirrin Island, picnics, swims and adventures in rural settings. Or at least, the summertime of blazing sushine, lazy afternoons spent in cool lofts or tree forks or even just the cool interiors of the house reading and fantasising about Enid Blyton's tales. And despite having eaten a lunch, drooling at the descriptions of food.

Thankfully, this time I can actually fix that bit.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What they don't warn you about

'Parting is such sweet sorrow'

It's pretty much a given that farewells are hard. Farewells to family. Farewells to the love of your life. Tempered with the promise of reunion and better times later, these farewells.

What no one cautions you against is the wrenching away, never to be united again the same way, disrupting perfectly peaceful harmony.

And it doesn't even hit you until ages later, just when you think you've come off okay, forgetting the soft, exposed, sensitive spot and leaving it open for a bull's eye score.

Like when your ex-housemate drives you home and just before leaving, says "Shame! Can no longer say goodnight and just trip off to the next room to sleep!".

Or like when you see the faces of two dear beloved people watching for you from inside a car as your bus is pulling out of the station.

You knew it was going to be temporary. You knew you had to go your separate ways one day. But who said that made it okay?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


You know all those scenes in the movies where someone's walking out huffily issuing dialogues of "Aaj se tumhara aur mera rishta khatam!"?

Some days I wish I could walk out of the human race and be done with it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

External Memory

Me to her (who else?): 

Keep it somewhere safe, and mark it. 

And tell me where you put it so I'll remember and you can ask me in case you forget.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well, what do you know. My wish has been granted!

Rats! I knew I should've asked for something else.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Points to ponder

Does being able to autopilot a lot of things every day leave you with more time to focus on the important stuff or does it just make you a sad person who doesn't enjoy life to the fullest?

I think it would be quite something to have the ability to teleport combined with a timer option. Would come in especially handy on those days when getting up from the bed seems to require superhuman effort. Imagine this: You'd open your eyes and find yourself standing before the sink, ready to get started with your day.
Of course, it could backfire badly. Say you forgot to turn the timer off when on vacation or something and you were teleported to work while still in your nightclothes. Or your bathrobe. Although that would be kinda cool in an Arthur Dent kinda way. More so if your boss/colleagues happen to be into the hitchiker's guide thing.

Or maybe one ought to have the option of beaming a hologram of oneself to work. Get the boring stuff done by being there but not quite there.

I've noticed lately that a lot of people seem to respond to the little nice things I manage to send in their direction. Of course, I could be imagining this.

But I'll continue living under that delusion. I'd like to think I'm making the world a better place. One sincere 'thank you' at a time. Thank you very much.